Boris I. Mankovetskiy is a Member of the Sills Cummis & Gross Creditors’ Rights/Bankruptcy Reorganization Practice Group. He focuses his practice on complex corporate restructurings, including Chapter 11 cases and out-of-court workouts.  His clients include official creditors’ committees, debtors, secured and unsecured creditors, investors that focus on distressed situations and other parties-in-interest in corporate insolvency matters. Mr. Mankovetskiy has particularly extensive experience in representing creditors’ committees in healthcare insolvencies and Chapter 11 bankruptcies across the country.  He has represented parties in restructurings in other industries such as telecommunications, commercial real estate, retail, manufacturing, transportation, construction and pharmaceuticals.  In addition to Mr. Mankovetskiy’s bankruptcy expertise, he also represents parties in complex commercial litigation in federal and state courts.

Mr. Mankovetskiy has represented investment management firms in debt restructuring matters, commercial workouts and Chapter 11 cases, including in the Motor Coach Industries Int’l, Inc. and Marcal Paper Mills, Inc. cases. He has also represented the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in twenty-five (25) hospital and other health care provider bankruptcy cases, including Saint Michael’s Medical Center, Union Hospital District, Bayonne Medical Center, Christ Hospital, Hudson Healthcare, Inc., Fairmont General Hospital, et al., Progressive Acute Care LLC, Gardens Regional Hospital and Medical Center, Inc., Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Association, Gainesville Hospital District d/b/a North Texas Medical Center, Morehead Memorial Hospital, Curae Health, Inc., et al., Promise Healthcare Group, LLC, et al., Astria Health, et al., Center City Healthcare, LLC d/b/a Hahnemann University Hospital, et al., Thomas Health System, Inc., Randolph Health, LRGHealthcare, MTPC, LLC, et al., Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, et al., Watsonville Hospital Corporation, et al., Madera Community HospitalBeverly Community Hospital Association, Mercy Hospital Iowa City, Iowa, et al. and Guardian Elder Care.


  • Bankruptcy, Financial Reorganization and Creditors’ Rights
  • Loan Workouts and Restructuring

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Court Admissions

  • U.S. Supreme Court


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Rankings and Recognition

  • Selected for inclusion in:
  • The Best Lawyers in America®* 2013-2025, Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law; Litigation - Bankruptcy
  • Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business®* 2019-2020, 2024, New Jersey Bankruptcy/Restructuring
  • IFLR1000 United States: Guide to USA’s Leading Financial & Corporate Law Firms®* 2021-2024, "Highly Regarded" New Jersey Restructuring and Insolvency; 2018-2020, "Rising Star" New Jersey Restructuring and Insolvency
  • New Jersey Super Lawyers®* 2017-2020, Bankruptcy: Business; Business/Corporate; Business Litigation
  • New Jersey Super Lawyers®* "Rising Stars" 2006-2016, Bankruptcy: Business; Business/Corporate; Business Litigation
  • New Jersey Law Journal®* "New Leaders of the Bar" 2012

* See Award Methodology. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey.


  • Member, American Bar Association

  • Member, American Bankruptcy Institute


  • J.D, Seton Hall University School of Law, cum laude
  • B.A, Montclair State University, summa cum laude

Bar Admissions

  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • District of Columbia