In today’s digital world, it is a necessity for a company to collect and store personally identifiable and confidential information belonging to customers and employees. With that need comes the requirement and responsibility for a company to protect that data against loss. As privacy and cybersecurity risks continue to increase, the protection of personal data and confidential information is critical for companies today.
Our cybersecurity and data privacy lawyers help companies navigate the rapidly evolving and increasingly complex privacy and security law landscape, with the ultimate goal of providing guidance on proactive measures to safeguard each company’s data. We routinely advise on matters involving best practices, privacy and security contract review (including with vendors), cybersecurity preparedness and training, and incident and breach response and recovery, including responding to ransomware attacks and other third-party intrusions into a company’s network. We have worked with companies to develop and draft privacy statements, privacy policies, and cybersecurity policies, and have conducted compliance training for employees. We also have advised and assisted clients with data breach preparation, response, and remediation, and, in the event of a breach, we work closely with our client (and, when needed, forensic experts) to implement and execute response and recovery plans that address a company’s specific needs.