As seen in the article, “Even before political and trade conflicts recently erupted, real estate developers across New Jersey and elsewhere were facing a host of opportunities and challenges going into 2019. Now, in addition to confronting the specter of increasing interest rates, a possible economic slowdown, and changes in the way that people work, they’ve got short-term concerns like the fallout of possible gridlock in Washington, D.C. How will they respond? Developers have to look years ahead, so a laser-like focus on long-term trends helps, according to experts.”
According to Ted Zangari, “State lawmakers will not allow the GrowNJ employer incentive program to naturally expire in July. This spring, in tandem with negotiations over what will likely be a very difficult budget, the governor and legislature will approve a measure to revamp and extend GrowNJ. The revised program will mostly reward high paying positions, newly created jobs, life science, technology and manufacturing industries, stranded office campuses, and urban centers.”